Friday 15 February 2013

Editorial & Typography Mock Up

Today I have been doing a mock up of one of my final double page spreads. I've uploaded 3 images, and they show the transitions I have made. At the moment I've only used placeholder text in the text boxes, but I will be replacing that. In the first image I had just laid out the image frames and text frames and started to add in some of the images. In the second image I added the last image, and the placeholder text into the text boxes in which I played with the font size and the tracking of the words. The third image is where I started playing around with the main image of The Blackout, in Photoshop so that the background doesn't make the image stand out from the background too much. I like the way my idea is coming together. Although I do have another double page spread to complete. This isn't the final either, there is still alot of work to do. If you have any feedback on how I could improve this then please do leave a comment.

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