Friday 21 March 2014

Talk with Dave

Today we had a talk with Dave. I'm not sure what his last name was though. He has worked/ works with companies around the UK and is a freelance designer now. 

He gave us some tips for our portfolio which were:

Name it (not just your name)
It should show opportunities and ideas
Be confident
Show a range of thinking (versatility) 
It's a competition against others - not who's better, they look for passion, personality, creativity, so demonstrate them
Remember that ideas mean selection process - type, color, layout etc
Every employer is different, so don't take it personally if you don't get the job, you might just not be what they needed
Show integrity, you've got show that you want the job so research them first
They also look for Promise.

He also mentioned a good way to remember things.
Don't panic - they're just looking for someone to help make them some money
Prepare and Perform - Make sure you're ready for it, make sure you understand the briefs you did
Follow up - say thanks for your time etc - be curteous, polite, they look for the little touches
NEXT! - If it doesn't work out

Don't always talk about the design, they might not understand this, talk about the business side of things

Aim high, contact employers - don't know if you've not tried.

Good employers will give you creative feedback because they care

He also gave us a timeline of progression.
Starting - Agency - Learn and Grow - Freelance

Make you spend a lot of time on your portfolio for final show. Be around all the the incase potential employers/ clients show up.
Be there everyday of your show.
Be honest with your portfolio, show works that's yours and ONLY yours!

What I think is my best work might not be what the employer thinks is your best work.
Know what's coming next in it.
Put sketch books etc in not just outcomes.
Put inspirations in
Introduce yourself subtly - might waste your time if you just turn up out the blue.
It's not personal!
Do self initiated work, broaden it first.

I learned quite a lot from this talk.

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