Friday 4 April 2014

Talk with Jo Carter

Today we had a talk with Jo Carter from Concept Personnel. 

She started a recruitment agency for creatives 12 years ago. 

She gave us a scenario where we were given 24 CV's, with an outline for a job that they had all applied for. 

She then gave us half an hour to decide 6 that would be taken forward to interview, as the manager of the company looking for the job would be a very busy.

Afterwards she went through everyones groups to see which ones had been chosen the same etc and then showed us why certain ones wouldn't be chosen and why certain ones would.

She then gave us tips. Our CV needs to stand out - be in the yes pile not the no. As employers are very quick to say no.

Don't need our age on it any more, because of discrimination against younger people etc.
As people form opinions about you from what they see.

The CV also needs to remind them of you, after you have an interview. 

Consider what it looks like visually as well as printed. 

Consider it's layout, typography etc, not to bright on colors. Don't make them hunt for the main information.

Put key words in such as illustrator, branding, etc so that if they type it into a big database such as CV library it will come back in a shortlist. 

Make sure your social networks aren't gonna give you a bad reputation or get you fired.

Work Based Learning Finals

Today I finished and handed in my final Work Based Learning briefs. I liked this project, it helped me understand what employers look for in a portfolio, and helped me understand how quick a working environment moves. 

Here are my finals for this project:

STI Awareness finals:

And here are my finals for the c card brief:

I enjoyed completing these. I just wanted them to be very simple, but still get the message across.

Friday 28 March 2014

Weekly Progression

This week I have completed the Snug By Design brief. This brief was quite restricted because the client gave us the kind of thing she wanted and she gave us the font we had to use and the colors she wanted. 

I tried researching the company but as it's up and coming I couldn't find anything. 

I did the first part of my logo on illustrator using the path finder and shapes tools and finished it in photoshop with brushes, using the pastel colors she asked for.

These are my finals: I also put them in situ

Friday 21 March 2014

Talk with Dave

Today we had a talk with Dave. I'm not sure what his last name was though. He has worked/ works with companies around the UK and is a freelance designer now. 

He gave us some tips for our portfolio which were:

Name it (not just your name)
It should show opportunities and ideas
Be confident
Show a range of thinking (versatility) 
It's a competition against others - not who's better, they look for passion, personality, creativity, so demonstrate them
Remember that ideas mean selection process - type, color, layout etc
Every employer is different, so don't take it personally if you don't get the job, you might just not be what they needed
Show integrity, you've got show that you want the job so research them first
They also look for Promise.

He also mentioned a good way to remember things.
Don't panic - they're just looking for someone to help make them some money
Prepare and Perform - Make sure you're ready for it, make sure you understand the briefs you did
Follow up - say thanks for your time etc - be curteous, polite, they look for the little touches
NEXT! - If it doesn't work out

Don't always talk about the design, they might not understand this, talk about the business side of things

Aim high, contact employers - don't know if you've not tried.

Good employers will give you creative feedback because they care

He also gave us a timeline of progression.
Starting - Agency - Learn and Grow - Freelance

Make you spend a lot of time on your portfolio for final show. Be around all the the incase potential employers/ clients show up.
Be there everyday of your show.
Be honest with your portfolio, show works that's yours and ONLY yours!

What I think is my best work might not be what the employer thinks is your best work.
Know what's coming next in it.
Put sketch books etc in not just outcomes.
Put inspirations in
Introduce yourself subtly - might waste your time if you just turn up out the blue.
It's not personal!
Do self initiated work, broaden it first.

I learned quite a lot from this talk.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Weekly Progression

Today I finished my finals for the first brief I chose to do out of portfolio building. The outcome for the brief is a poster that advertises The Americans tv program me, which would be shown on buses and billboard. 

I first did some quick research into poster layout for tv programs with similar genres and I also looked at colors used, typography etc. I also did research into The Americans and watched the trailer for it so that I could get a better feel. 

These are the finals I came up with:

Again I was going for a simple approach for these. I like them but I think the middle one could be better. I think the top one and bottom one are most likely to go in my portfolio.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Introduction to Portfolio Building

Today we were introduced to our final module - scary! - portfolio production. The point and aim of this module is so that we have a professional standard portfolio to take to industry or level 6. 

We have been given 12 briefs to choose from. We don't have to do them all, but as many as possible. 

This week I am going to do the 2nd Keltie Cochrane brief of the year and created a poster for the Americans.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Work Based Learning Progression

This week has been focused on work based learning. We were given two briefs from a company called Keltie Cochrane. 

Brief 1 is about STI awareness, and raising the issue that Gonorrhoea and Syphilis is on the rise in Newcastle, particularly among women. 

Brief 2 is about raising awareness of the C-Card and how 13-24 year old men and women can get free condoms, and therefore they have no reason not have safe sex. 

We have to do a weeks worth of a project, and final outcomes for both. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Work Based Learning Update

Today the work based learning brief has changed. We no longer have to do an evaluation at the end of it, and the file part is now worth 30% while we have been given a project, which we will start this week to fill the other 70% with. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Created CV

Today I have completed my creative CV. I also went to see Claire and Joe about work placements. They told me to do some research into companies that I would like to do this at. 

My final CV looks like this:

 I tried to keep it simple. So there wasn't to much to look at. I also used a quirky typography as it gives you more to look at.

Friday 14 February 2014

Weekly Progression/ Evaluation Of Brief/ Finals

This week we have finalized everything and finished our finals. We ended up with 2 finals as we wanted to use the hashtag boarder. 

Here are our finals for this project:

I like these finals, because I got to draw for the module.

Here's my evaluation for the module:

Skills Analysis/ Action Plan for Alternative Techniques

Friday 7 February 2014

Weekly Progression

This week I have finished my initial ideas and started developing them on the computer. We scanned them all in and started playing around with the layout for our finals. 

Examples of initial ideas.

Here are some examples of the layout we first tried on the computer.

After this layout we decided that our drawing of faces isn't very good so we would find a way to make their faces real instead of drawn.
This is what we did to do that.

After all of this I decided that I wanted to think about the background, so I started using different mixed media.

I used brusho and spray paint to create these. After playing around we decided not to use them.

Friday 31 January 2014

Weekly Progression

This week I finished catching up on the research I was behind on last week and I have put together reference boards that I've started drawing my initial ideas off. Doing the research only took a day and a bit. I think my time management is a lot better this week as I have caught up pretty fast. 

Here's an example of the reference boards I've done: 

I have used these to trace over and do my own thing with.

Here's an example of a couple of ideas I have already come up with:

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Catch Up

I have now caught up on the research I was slow on last week. I have completed the artist research and illustrative music poster research.

Here are few images of what I have done: 

Friday 24 January 2014

Weekly Progression

This week I have done everything I said I would do. 

 First I looked at D&AD.

Then I looked at award winning work. I love the illustration techniques in these.

Then I did a quick bit of research into XL Recordings.

Lastly I used the information I had found on all of the events to create a timeline of everything and put it in order.

I think my time management hasn't been as good this week. I set a target of what to do and I have achieved most of it, but I haven't done the artists/ poster research yet. I will catch up on this next week.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

To Do This Week

This week I am going to do the rest of my research. I am going to look at illustrative artists and illustrated music posters. I am also going to do a quick bit of research into D&AD and XL Recordings and events on a timeline so I can see clearly which is the beginning and which is the end. I am also going to look at examples of award winning work.

Sunday 19 January 2014


I love how this mixes different media, along with image and typography. I also love how the colors are very subtle. 

These are all done by an illustrator called mydeadpony.
I like how dark, yet bright and colorful these all are, and how he mixes his media, and mixes using a pc, as well as hand drawn elements.

Friday 17 January 2014

Weekly Progression

This week has included a lot of writing. We chose the brief and have been researching for it all week. Since the XL brief has a list of events throughout their history, we have started researching every even on the timeline. We also watched two pencil panel videos where the judges for this year were giving us tips on what we should do to get their attention.

These are the notes that I took on the videos. I tried to pick out the most important information.

I think I have done well with my time management this week. I was in every day too, and therefore didn't miss anything.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


Today me, Andi and Ashley decided to work in a group. We also decided that we were going to do the XL Recordings Brief. I in particular wanted to do this brief because music is a big part of my life.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Alternative Techniques Brief Introduction

Today is the first day back after christmas and new year. We were given our new brief, which is the D&AD awards for 2014. We were given a booklet with all the briefs in. We had to read all the briefs thoroughly and then narrow it down to 3 briefs before choosing a final brief. We are now off until next week so that we have time to choose our brief and then do the research for it. The whole point of this brief is so that I understand the difference between award winning work and everyday client work. I am looking forward to doing this brief.